Digitizing Rochester’s Religions (DRR for short) is a community-based, collaborative, and interdisciplinary study of urban religious life in Rochester, N.Y.

Launched by Dr. Margarita S. Guillory at the University of Rochester, written and researched by Rochester students, and edited by Rochester Ph.D. candidate Daniel Gorman Jr., DRR is a pilot project, showing how teachers and students might collaborate to produce digital scholarship about religion. We detail more than 150 years of religious history in Rochester’s southwestern neighborhoods, providing historical and ethnographic essays, documents from community archives, home movies, interactive maps, and classroom materials. New content will be posted throughout spring 2020, after which the site will remain publicly viewable.

This website was built in collaboration with the University of Rochester Digital Scholarship Lab. The University of Rochester PumpPrimer II grant and the Andrew W. Mellon Digital Humanities Fellowship provided significant financial and logistical support.

Follow us on Twitter: @DigitizingR.

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