A Public History Project

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Ss. Peter and Paul Closing Mass

This film of the Mass was distributed originally in two parts on DVD. The file was copied from a two-disc set in the St. Monica Archive using Handbrake. The copying process split disc one’s video into four segments, while the disc two video remained in one segment.

Description: Part 1A (first of five total videos) of the Closing Mass at the Roman Catholic Church of Ss. Peter and Paul, Rochester, N.Y. Recorded October 1, 2006. Father Raymond Fleming presided over the service. Copyright: St. Monica Roman Catholic Church, Rochester, N.Y.

Description: Part 1B (second of five total videos) of the Closing Mass at the Roman Catholic Church of Ss. Peter and Paul, Rochester, N.Y. Recorded October 1, 2006. Copyright: St. Monica Roman Catholic Church, Rochester, N.Y.

Description: Part 1C (third of five total videos) of the Closing Mass at the Roman Catholic Church of Ss. Peter and Paul, Rochester, N.Y. Recorded October 1, 2006. Copyright: St. Monica Roman Catholic Church, Rochester, N.Y.

Description: Part 1D (fourth of five total videos) of the Closing Mass at the Roman Catholic Church of Ss. Peter and Paul, Rochester, N.Y. Recorded October 1, 2006. Copyright: St. Monica Roman Catholic Church, Rochester, N.Y.

Description: Part 2 (fifth of five total videos) of the Closing Mass at the Roman Catholic Church of Ss. Peter and Paul, Rochester, N.Y. Recorded October 1, 2006. Copyright: St. Monica Roman Catholic Church, Rochester, N.Y.


St. Monica Home Movies 5

The inventory that follows is copied, with minor edits, from the pamphlet entitled “St. Monica History Portrayed in Movies, 1931 to 1953” (2003).

Disc 5 / Tape 3

Reel #28 — 1948 (Small Roll)
1. Afternoon Kindergarten
2. Building Construction Progress May 1948
3. Class Day (Willow Point Park)
4. Eighth Grade Graduation 1948
5. New School Corner Stone Setting 1948

Reel #28.

Reel #40 — 1950 (Large Brown Roll)
1. Kindergarten Graduation 1950
2. Class Day 1950 (Willow Point Park)
3. Kindergarten Career Day

Reel #40.

Reel #44 — 1951, Possibly 1954 (Small Roll)
1. May be first communion
2. Rochester Airport

Reel #44.

Reel #45 — 1951 (Small Roll)
1. Class Day
2. Cub Scouts & Parents
3. Kindergarten Graduation
4. First Holy Communion
5. Puglisi’s Fishing Trip
6. May Day (Kindergarten)

Editor’s Note: The footage of the fishing trip and May don’t appear to be in this reel, so the church’s film catalog may have been incorrect.

Reel #45.

Reel #49 — 1952 (Small Reel)
1. Kindergarten Holy Year Pilgrimage
2. Ceremony at Aquinas Stadium
3. St. Bernard Seminary
4. Play: “A Day in Holland” (8th Grade?)

Reel #49.

Roll #55 — 1953 (Small Reel)
1. Covacus, Havana
2. Floracks / Fishing Trip
3. Kindergarten Graduation — Lux & Floracks
4. Class Day
5. Aquinas Football
6. Dr. LaPaliiva?
7. Mnsr. Nolan?
8. Eighth Grade Graduation 1953

Reel #53.

About the Transfer

Digitized films from St. Monica Roman Catholic Church, Rochester, N.Y. 
Copyright: St. Monica Roman Catholic Church.
Repository: St. Monica Archives, Brooks Ave., Rochester, N.Y.

The film canisters containing the original copies of these home movies are located at the St. Monica Archives. They were transferred to DVD and VHS in 2003. Daniel Gorman Jr. used Handbrake to scan copies of the films from the DVDs. Josh Romphf supervised the use of FFMPEG and Homebrew to remove the music that had been added to the films. 


St. Monica Home Movies 4

The inventory that follows is copied, with minor edits, from the pamphlet entitled “St. Monica History Portrayed in Movies, 1931 to 1953” (2003).

Disc 4 / Tape 2

Reel #22 — 1948: Jubilee
1. Golden Jubilee Booklet
2. First Church & School Completed Dec. 8, 1898
3. On Sunday Dec 12, 1948, the Eleven O’clock Mass was celebrated by Bishop Kearney as part of our Golden Jubilee Program.
4. After the Mass, dinner was served in the Hall.

Reel #22.

Reel #23 — 1948: Jubilee
1. Monday December 13, 1948, 9:00 Solemn High Mass for the deceased of the parish.
2. Monday Evening Dec 13, 1948 Scene from Playlet given in Hall followed by a Movie and Reception.

Reel #23.

Reel #24 — 1949: Station Wagon, etc.
1. Trip to Buffalo
2. New Nuns Station Wagon
3. School under construction
4. New school under further construction
5. Altar Boys
6. Kindergarten Classes
7. Eighth Grade Classes, Many Class Pictures

Reel #24.

Reel #25 — 1949: Blessing of St. Monica New School
1. Blessing of the School, April 17, 1949

Reel #25.

Reel #26 — 1949: Graduates
1. Graduation Class
2. Feast of Corpus Christi 1949
3. Kindergarten Classes

Reel #26.

Reel #27 — 1949 (Small Roll)
1. Envelope Openers, Mngr. Lambert’s Cottage, Skeet Shooting
2. Aquinas Stadium Football Games

Reel #27.

About the Transfer

Digitized films from St. Monica Roman Catholic Church, Rochester, N.Y. 
Copyright: St. Monica Roman Catholic Church.
Repository: St. Monica Archives, Brooks Ave., Rochester, N.Y.

The film canisters containing the original copies of these home movies are located at the St. Monica Archives. They were transferred to DVD and VHS in 2003. Daniel Gorman Jr. used Handbrake to scan copies of the films from the DVDs. Josh Romphf supervised the use of FFMPEG and Homebrew to remove the music that had been added to the films. 

“St. Monica History Portrayed in Movies, 1931 to 1953” (2003) 


St. Monica Home Movies 3

The inventory that follows is copied, with minor edits, from the pamphlet entitled “St. Monica History Portrayed in Movies, 1931 to 1953” (2003).

Disc 3 / Tape 2

Reel #13 — 1942 (Small Roll)
1. At Park
2. Powers Family
3. Envelope Workers
4. Clifford Family
5. Close-Up Pictures of misc.

Reel #13.

Reel #14 — 1942 (Small Roll)
1. Class Day
2. Graduation

Reel #14.

Reel #15 — 1943: School (Small Roll)
1. Kindergarten old bldg
2. Two Girls Rectory
3. Lower grade class
4. First Communion
5. Class at Genesee Valley Park
6. Eighth Grade Graduation

Reel #15.

Reel #16 — 1944: Parish
1. Lower Grade in Convent yard
2. Genesee Valley Park
3. Possible May Day (Several Twins Pictures)
4. Altar Boys and Priest (Front of Rectory)
5. May Day in Convent Yard
6. Families with children

Reel #16.

Reel #17 — 1944, 1946
1. Altar Society 1944 at cottage on Lake Ontario
2. Sr. Louise Marie and other sisters at cottage
3. Church and School 1946
4. Eighth Graduation 1945 +/-
5. [No description]

Reel #17.

Reel #18 — 1946
1. Parish 1946
2. U of R Football 1945

Editor’s Note: Reel 18 includes footage of University of Rochester ROTC cadets performing drills on the Wilson Quadrangle and in Fauver Stadium. Given the historic nature of this footage, a downloadable copy of Reel 18 was given to the University of Rochester NROTC program, with St. Monica Church’s permission, in September 2017.

Reel #18.

About the Transfer

Digitized films from St. Monica Roman Catholic Church, Rochester, N.Y. 
Copyright: St. Monica Roman Catholic Church.
Repository: St. Monica Archives, Brooks Ave., Rochester, N.Y.

The film canisters containing the original copies of these home movies are located at the St. Monica Archives. They were transferred to DVD and VHS in 2003. Daniel Gorman Jr. used Handbrake to scan copies of the films from the DVDs. Josh Romphf supervised the use of FFMPEG and Homebrew to remove the music that had been added to the films. 

 “St. Monica History Portrayed in Movies, 1931 to 1953” (2003) 


St. Monica Home Movies 2

The inventory that follows is copied, with minor edits, from the pamphlet entitled “St. Monica History Portrayed in Movies, 1931 to 1953” (2003).

Disc 2 / Tape 1

Reel #5 — 1931, 1938 (Small Roll)
1. People at Conesus Lake (B/W)
2. Parish Girls 1938 (Color)
3. Nazareth College Graduation — Bishop Kearney
4. Nazareth Grammar Graduation — Bishop O’Herne
5. Graduation, Sr. Marie Bernard
6. Bishop Hickey, New Car 1931
7. Cleary Family — Nazareth Hall
8. Corner Stone Setting 1931 (unknown location)

Reel #05.

Reel #7 — 1940: School Pictures (Small Roll)
1. Feast of Corpus Christi May 23, 1940
2. Fourth Grade
3. First Grade
4. 1st Grade
5. 8th Grade Highland Park
6. Class Outing Stella Maris, June 10, 1940
7. School Groups
8. Graduation June 21, 1941

Reel #07.

Reel #8 — 1941: School Pictures (Small Roll)
1. Kindergarten
2. School Class Groups
3. Stella Maris
4. Classes in Highland Park

Reel #08.

Reel #9 (Small Roll)
1. 1941 Class Day at Willow Point Park
2. 1946 8th Grade Graduation
3. 1947 (unmarked) — 8th Grade Graduation? (dark)

Reel #09.

Reel #10 — 1941, Small Roll
1. May Day 1941
2. Mngr. Hart Jubilee at Corpus Christi Church, E. Main St. Incl. Bishop Kearney, Mnsr. Leo Smith
3. Repository 1941 & 1942
4. Church Christmas
5. Group Pictures inside old rectory
6. Altar Boys
7. May Crowning (out of order)

Reel #10.

About the Transfer

Digitized films from St. Monica Roman Catholic Church, Rochester, N.Y. 
Copyright: St. Monica Roman Catholic Church.
Repository: St. Monica Archives, Brooks Ave., Rochester, N.Y.

The film canisters containing the original copies of these home movies are located at the St. Monica Archives. They were transferred to DVD and VHS in 2003. Daniel Gorman Jr. used Handbrake to scan copies of the films from the DVDs. Josh Romphf supervised the use of FFMPEG and Homebrew to remove the music that had been added to the films. 

 “St. Monica History Portrayed in Movies, 1931 to 1953” (2003) 


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