A Public History Project

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St. Monica Parish Surveys

All primary sources are published with the permission of the St. Monica Archives (SMA).

St. Monica Trustee Report (1959)

Note: Two digitized copies of the report are included here. The second copy has better print quality, but is missing the fifth page.



St. Monica Parish Review (Apr. 19, 1985)


St. Monica Parish Histories

“Parishes in Trouble: Diminishing White Catholic Congregations in Changing Neighborhoods” is reprinted with the permission of the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, part of the USA TODAY Network (Gannett). The rest of the documents are published with the permission of the St. Monica Archives (SMA). All original documents are held at SMA.

Certificate of Incorporation of St. Monica’s Church (1898)


Works Progress Administration Survey of State and Local Historical Records for St. Monica (1936)


St. Monica Draft Parish History (No Date, Post-1924)


St. Monica One-Page History (No Date, Circa 1939)


Unfinished Bibliography about St. Monica (No Date)


Charles L. McCarthy, “Foundation of Saint Monica’s Church of Rochester” (1949)


Ron Robitaille, “Parishes in Trouble: Diminishing White Catholic Congregations in Changing Neighborhoods,” with photos by Jim Laragy, Upstate New York, Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Sunday, Nov. 4, 1973

Editor’s Note: Upstate New York was a weekend supplement for the Democrat & Chronicle.


St. Monica Crop Walk (May 1, 2011)


St. Monica Parish Built Environment

One document on this page is published with the permission of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester Archives. The remainder are published with the permission of the St. Monica Archives (SMA). All original documents are held at SMA.

St. Monica Historic Parish Boundaries (no date)


St. Monica Insurance Assessment (1932)

Reprinted with permission of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester Archives.


St. Monica Insurance Assessment with Additional Material (1932)


St. Monica Parish Archives and Architecture Survey (1992)


St. Monica Save Our Sculpture! Questionnaire (1994)


St. Monica Organ Sale Documentation (1999)


New St. Monica Buildings Group, Presentation of the Draft Plan for Parish Buildings Restoration (Mar. 27, 2007)


Documents on St. Monica Parish Relocation During Renovations (June–July 2009)


St. Monica Christmas High Mass (1956)

This audio recording of the 1956 St. Monica Christmas High Mass is taken from a CD copy that Paul Perotto provided to the St. Monica Archive. The original recording is credited to Louise Schaino & “Mr. Dodge.”

The recording is published with the permission of the St. Monica Archives (SMA) and is available in CD form at SMA.

St. Monica Arts and Theatre

All primary sources are published with the permission of the St. Monica Archives (SMA).

St. Monica Certain Women Play (Mar. 2, 2007)

“Dramatic readings expressing the hopes, fears and dreams of four American Catholic church women martyred in El Salvador in 1980.”


St. Monica Talent Showcase (Oct. 4, 2008)


Second Time Around Playbill (January 2011)


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